Mad Science-Crazy Chemworks (Grades k-5th)

  3016-100-SP24- Oak Hollow
  4/12/2024 - 5/17/2024
  2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  Oak Hollow Elementary

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Lab Works: Hands-on activities teach kids the basics of using lab equipment such as pipettes, flasks, and stirring rods. The educational goal is to introduce kids to the basic techniques, tools, and vocabulary that will help them navigate lab work in the future.

Junior Reactors: An introduction to atoms and reactions. Kids learn the basics of atomic theory, chemical vs. physical reactions, and how atoms join together. The educational goal is for children to understand how atoms work, be able to recognize the differences between types of reactions, and model the atoms involved in reactions.

pH pHactor: Students learn the basics of acids, bases, and the pH scale. Experiments will let students learn the pH of common household chemicals and bring a mystery liquid to balance. The educational goal is to explain the basics of the pH scale using common household chemicals so they can understand the impact it has on their day to day lives.

Slime Time: These experiments are meant to show kids the function of polymers, and how a chemical reaction can turn them into a cup of slime. They can experiment with the properties of the rubber like slime in a variety of games. The educational goal is for children to learn the chemistry of polymers in a hands-on way.

Chem in a Flash: Kids learn about the types of chemical reactions, rate of reaction, and limiting factors in a reaction. The educational goal is for children to understand the factors that influence rate of reaction, understand the role of catalysts, and understand the factors that limit a reaction.

Dry Ice-Capades: Kids learn about the states of matter and how they change with the help of dry ice, which not only has a very visually interesting change but also sublimates at room temperature under normal pressure. They will also get to see Gallium, a metal, melt at just above room temperature. The educational goal is for students to understand the differences between states of matter and what causes them to change.