Gardening -Knowledge is Power-Part I (Ages 18+)

  1129-100-F24-Indian Hills Middle School
  9/4/2024 - 10/30/2024
  6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  Indian Hills Middle School
  Jan Konold

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 In Gardening – Knowledge is Power learn how to transition your garden from summer, to fall and into winter. Learn to prune like a pro, when to plant your perennials, winterizing your yard, prep for spring, and how to garden indoors during the cold winter months.


Week 1 & 2: Pruning like a professional

Week 3: Perennials – Fall is the best time to plans

Week 4: Winterizing your yard

Week 5: Getting a jumpstart on Spring

Week 6: Houseplants and microgreens


$5.00 material fee paid to the instructor on the first night of class.