Benefit from hundreds of hours of research designed to aid you in effectively preparing for disasters that could impact our area.
Week 1: Fact or Myth? Lifesaving Disaster Responses
Find out if you believe any of the common disaster myths. Discover the facts about disasters, recommended protective actions that could save your life, and 6 areas of preparedness activities to ensure the well-being of your loved ones.
Week 2: Hands-on First Aid
Learn and practice skills for rendering first aid in a disaster setting when professional medical help is unavailable, such as testing and treating broken bones, splinting techniques and best positions for various joints, caring for wounds, burns, etc. (The instructor will have some specialty items available for purchase at cost.) Discover how useful 5 dice can be in your disaster supply kit.
Week 3: Tips for Handling the Aftermath of a Disaster
Explore options for short-term self-sufficiency immediately following a disaster without power, running water, sewer, etc., including storing water and alternative sanitation. Which frozen and refrigerated foods are safe to eat for how long? What alternative cooking methods are safe indoors?
Week 4: Rebound in 72: Your Preparedness Plan for Resiliency
View preparedness in a new paradigm based on 5 time periods and 8 need areas. Learn how to customize a plan for your family and disaster supply kits for home, work, bedside, evacuation, etc. Explore many beneficial things you can do to prepare with minimal financial investment to increase your resilience and peace of mind.